Bu böyle kalamaz!
2 bine yakın yabancı siyasetçi, işadamı, spor ve sanatçı dostuma bugün TÜRKİYE MEKTUBU göndereceğim....
Burasının GÜLLÜK GÜLİSTANLIK olmadığını BİZ biliyoruz...
SİZ DE buranın o kadar da fena bir yer olmadığını bilin artık!
80 milyon insanız, sağcımız da var, solcumuz da...
Öyle düşüneninimiz de var, böyle düşünenimizde...
İnanan, inanmayan, çalışan, kaytaran, çalışmak isteyip de iş bulamayan,
Birçok ülkede olduğu gibi...
80 milyonuz işte...
Her kafadan bir ses, her görüşten bir tez var bu büyük ülkede...
Ülkesini yüceltmek isteyen de, parçalamak isteyen de...
Eşi benzeri başka hiçbir demokraside olmayan
aramızda yarım asırlık hainler de var bizde....
Diye devam edeceğim.
Toplumlar konuşarak anlaşır,
Ortak iş yaparak kaynaşır...
Biz de artık tam bunun mücadelesini vereceğiz...
Yine, yeniden, HER ZAMAN
Hüseyin Baraner
Baraners Letter from Turkey
Turkey, one of the best-loved holiday destinations world wide, is going through painful experiences, living through catastrophes, terror scenes and bombs and had to suffer many violent deaths and injured persons. All these events traumatized the population, but it could not subdue the Turkish people.
Bombings, violent deaths, injured people and now a failed attempt of the military to overthrow the government resulting in hundreds of deaths and thousands of injured persons. Turkey is far from being a worldly paradise at the moment, but, dear friends, you should know that life in Turkey is far away from being as unpleasant as it is depicted abroad.
We are a big nation of about 80 millions of people, consisting of rightist and leftist groups, of people deeply pious as well as of people who don´t believe in any religion. There are many industrious people who enjoy to work and to produce,, and there are others who don´t care for challenges and don´t like to work at all. On the other hand there are many who toil for their families in order to support and sustain them, and still there are others who are fighting for their economic and financial survival much the same as in any other country all over the world.
But, dear friends, Turkey with its average age of just under 30 years and a population which is expected to reach 100 millions in 25 years from now, is not a country with a homogenous population, will never be one and I would not like it to become one. One of the major assets of Turkey has always been that it harboured all major religions as well as political opinions and ideologies.
At this point I want to stress that I place myself in the middle of politics with the same distance to the left and to the right. At the same time I strongly believe that most Turkish citizens are far from being radical but rather moderate and relaxed democrats. But I sometimes like to compare democracy to bitter chocolate: You cannot and would not live without it, but sometimes its taste becomes so bitter you cannot really enjoy it.
Turkey, unfortunately, is afflicted by something countries with a longer history of democratic traditions do not know: the executive, the military and many state institutions have been infiltrated for almost half a century by foes of democracy
Most other countries did never experience this problem, it seems to be a genuinely Turkish problem which we will have to overcome all by ourselves now.
My dear friends, you will certainly know that we struggle as a nation to create a better country for a long time now, being supported by many friends from all over the world in doing so.
We should try not to forget the bad years of many coalition governments in the 1990ies, when Turkey was in economic trouble, the population getting poorer and poorer and the money pouring into the pockets of a handful of rich Turks, Turkey being a country with a huge population even then, but with an infrastructure nearly obsolete and dysfunctional, barely providing the population with its needs. Almost everybody was planning to go abroad in order to find better living circumstances in foreign countries.
From such a country Turkey has developed into a country which is much more modern, showing a much higher performance and which is much more competitive. Notwithstanding many obstacles, and, as I believe, some manipulations from outside the country, Turkey has succeeded in 2016 to stay functional and, all in all, even likeable, in spite of the failed coup détat attempt and all the horrible scenes which came along with it.
In this regard I am deeply disappointed by reports showing the beaches of Turkey empty and declaring that tourism in Turkey is nearly breathing it´s last, because I can see with my own eyes that this is not the case. I know quite a few well-managed hotels which can boast of a good capacity utilisation at the moment.
What gives me hope and also brought tears to my eyes was to see the leaders of the three biggest political parties of Turkey sitting at one table for the first time in order to find solutions to the most pressing problems.
If all the problems and the horrible events we had to witness during the last few weeks can lead to a really functional democracy and even more important to a united and reconciled society being able to share at least a basic set of mutual political goals and opinions, all the suffering and the many victims of violence will not have been in vain.
2 bine yakın yabancı siyasetçi, işadamı, spor ve sanatçı dostuma bugün TÜRKİYE MEKTUBU göndereceğim....
Burasının GÜLLÜK GÜLİSTANLIK olmadığını BİZ biliyoruz...
SİZ DE buranın o kadar da fena bir yer olmadığını bilin artık!
80 milyon insanız, sağcımız da var, solcumuz da...
Öyle düşüneninimiz de var, böyle düşünenimizde...
İnanan, inanmayan, çalışan, kaytaran, çalışmak isteyip de iş bulamayan,
Birçok ülkede olduğu gibi...
80 milyonuz işte...
Her kafadan bir ses, her görüşten bir tez var bu büyük ülkede...
Ülkesini yüceltmek isteyen de, parçalamak isteyen de...
Eşi benzeri başka hiçbir demokraside olmayan
aramızda yarım asırlık hainler de var bizde....
Diye devam edeceğim.
Toplumlar konuşarak anlaşır,
Ortak iş yaparak kaynaşır...
Biz de artık tam bunun mücadelesini vereceğiz...
Yine, yeniden, HER ZAMAN
Hüseyin Baraner
Baraners Letter from Turkey
Turkey, one of the best-loved holiday destinations world wide, is going through painful experiences, living through catastrophes, terror scenes and bombs and had to suffer many violent deaths and injured persons. All these events traumatized the population, but it could not subdue the Turkish people.
Bombings, violent deaths, injured people and now a failed attempt of the military to overthrow the government resulting in hundreds of deaths and thousands of injured persons. Turkey is far from being a worldly paradise at the moment, but, dear friends, you should know that life in Turkey is far away from being as unpleasant as it is depicted abroad.
We are a big nation of about 80 millions of people, consisting of rightist and leftist groups, of people deeply pious as well as of people who don´t believe in any religion. There are many industrious people who enjoy to work and to produce,, and there are others who don´t care for challenges and don´t like to work at all. On the other hand there are many who toil for their families in order to support and sustain them, and still there are others who are fighting for their economic and financial survival much the same as in any other country all over the world.
But, dear friends, Turkey with its average age of just under 30 years and a population which is expected to reach 100 millions in 25 years from now, is not a country with a homogenous population, will never be one and I would not like it to become one. One of the major assets of Turkey has always been that it harboured all major religions as well as political opinions and ideologies.
At this point I want to stress that I place myself in the middle of politics with the same distance to the left and to the right. At the same time I strongly believe that most Turkish citizens are far from being radical but rather moderate and relaxed democrats. But I sometimes like to compare democracy to bitter chocolate: You cannot and would not live without it, but sometimes its taste becomes so bitter you cannot really enjoy it.
Turkey, unfortunately, is afflicted by something countries with a longer history of democratic traditions do not know: the executive, the military and many state institutions have been infiltrated for almost half a century by foes of democracy
Most other countries did never experience this problem, it seems to be a genuinely Turkish problem which we will have to overcome all by ourselves now.
My dear friends, you will certainly know that we struggle as a nation to create a better country for a long time now, being supported by many friends from all over the world in doing so.
We should try not to forget the bad years of many coalition governments in the 1990ies, when Turkey was in economic trouble, the population getting poorer and poorer and the money pouring into the pockets of a handful of rich Turks, Turkey being a country with a huge population even then, but with an infrastructure nearly obsolete and dysfunctional, barely providing the population with its needs. Almost everybody was planning to go abroad in order to find better living circumstances in foreign countries.
From such a country Turkey has developed into a country which is much more modern, showing a much higher performance and which is much more competitive. Notwithstanding many obstacles, and, as I believe, some manipulations from outside the country, Turkey has succeeded in 2016 to stay functional and, all in all, even likeable, in spite of the failed coup détat attempt and all the horrible scenes which came along with it.
In this regard I am deeply disappointed by reports showing the beaches of Turkey empty and declaring that tourism in Turkey is nearly breathing it´s last, because I can see with my own eyes that this is not the case. I know quite a few well-managed hotels which can boast of a good capacity utilisation at the moment.
What gives me hope and also brought tears to my eyes was to see the leaders of the three biggest political parties of Turkey sitting at one table for the first time in order to find solutions to the most pressing problems.
If all the problems and the horrible events we had to witness during the last few weeks can lead to a really functional democracy and even more important to a united and reconciled society being able to share at least a basic set of mutual political goals and opinions, all the suffering and the many victims of violence will not have been in vain.